Champion Of




Art design
Motion design

You can tell a lot about a person by what they want to learn.

The recent successes of Champion in Australia and New Zealand have a lot to do with their support of local, emerging music talent. They’ve done a great job creating meaningful connections with their local audience rather than dispensing their brand content from high up and far away in a global office.

Champion approached us with the objective of deepening those bonds with their audience, creating stronger artist relationships and building up a dedicated audience of YouTube subscribers.

We knew we didn’t want to do a boring old interview show. We also didn’t want to make anything directly about music or its performance – we wanted to support the artist, not take over their territory.

The end result was Champion Of. It’s based on the premise that everyone, no matter how accomplished, has something they wish they could do. Big things, yes – we all want to learn another language. But also small things. Things something could reasonably teach you the basics of in a couple of hours. We got artists to choose one of those things, we taught it to them and Champion’s audience grew a connection to the artists (and Champion) through a genuine, unmediated look at their personality.

We taught Gold Fang magic tricks, Reyanna Maria how to ollie, 3K to make origami, Srirachi to iron a shirt and Sahxl to do an around the world. 

More to come in the upcoming season two.
